Welcome to moto-sisters community!
Here are a few tips for your profile:
- About:
This page is all about you! What would you like to tell about yourself? Do you want to be found on our Sisters World Map? How can other sisters get in touch with you? How long have you been riding? All this and more you can put in your About-Page. Just click the button Edit on the field you’d like to change or the button Edit All to change more than one field. Don’t forget to save! 😉 - Your Avatar and Cover-Picture:
Hover over one of the pictures and click on Change Avatar or Change Cover and upload a nice picture! - Preferences:
Here you can choose who will be able to see and like your profile, your online status and other settings. - Notifications:
Choose which notification via the platform and via email you want to get. You can even disable all. - Account:
You find your general account information here. You can change your user name, password or email here, export your community data or even delete your profile.